M-Mode Z-Scores


By Justin

Use this M-Mode Z scores calculator to obtain normal values of M-mode measurements made in Echocardiography. Normal values of M mode echocardiographic measurements of more than 2000 healthy infants and children in central Europe were used as reference and data source for this tool. C Kampmann, C Wiethoff, A Wenzel, G Stolz, M Betancor, C Wippermann, R Huth, P Habermehl, M Knuf, T Emschermann, and H Stopfkuchen Heart. 2000 June; 83(6): 667–672.

M-Mode Z-Scores

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Z score calculator by Dan Dyar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License and is based on a work at parameterz.com

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