Cardiac Surgery in Children- A Detailed Glossary

By Maitri

Type Procedure Defects Treated Description
Shunts Blalock-Taussig Reduced pulmonary blood flow (TOF, TGA, pulmonary atresia, tricuspid atresia) Classic: Anastomosis of subclavian artery to PA (with or without modification)
Atrial mixing Surgical atrial septostomy TGA (early palliation), mitral atresia, complex congenital heart disease Also called Blalock-Hanlon procedure
Balloon atrial septostomy TGA, tricuspid atresia Percutaneous atrial septostomy, also called Rashkind balloon procedure
Closures Atrial septal defect (ASD) closure ASD with significant shunt Primary or patch closure
Percutaneous closure
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) closure Isolated VSD or with other anomalies (TOF) Primary or patch closure
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation Patent ductus arteriosus Ligation ± division of PDA
Transcatheter technique
Endocardial cushion defect repair Endocardial cushion defect (also called atrioventricular canal defect) Closure of ASD and VSD, repair of atrioventricular valve abnormalities (e.g., cleft mitral leaflet)
PA banding Surgical reduction in flow area of PA Large left-to-right shunt lesions PA band to decrease PA flow and pressure
Atrial baffles Mustard TGA (replaced by arterial switch procedures at many centers) Dacron or pericardial baffle directs systemic venous return to PA via anatomic LV, pulmonary venous return to aorta via anatomic RV
Senning TGA (replaced by arterial switch procedures at many centers). May be used as part of “double switch” procedure for L-TGA RA free wall and interatrial septal tissue used for interatrial baffle similar to a Mustard repair.
Relief of stenosis Aortic coarctation repair Aortic coarctation Various procedures including end-to-end anastomosis, patch enlargement, Gore-Tex graft; balloon dilation for recoarctation
Pulmonic valvotomy TOF, pulmonic stenosis Brock trans-RV approach
Direct surgical repair
Balloon dilation
Aortic valvotomy Congenital aortic stenosis Direct surgical valvotomy or percutaneous balloon dilation
Mitral repair Congenital mitral stenosis Surgical commissurotomy—initially a “closed” procedure without cardiopulmonary - Baby Heart Diseases Explained!