Post Cardiac Surgery – How to take care of your child?

By Maitri

How to take care of your child after his/her heart surgery?

There are different aspects of care that parents should be aware of once they take their child back home from a hospital after surgery.. Here are a few things to keep in mind

Incision/ Wound Care

  1. Keep the incision clean and dry.
  2. Cover the incision when the child is eating or drying.
  3. Observe for –redness, swelling, pain, discharge of pus or blood and fever.
  4. Do not apply powder or lotions over the wound site for at least 2 weeks post surgery unless prescribed by doctor.
  5. After the stitches are removed, keep the wound exposed to air for quick healing.
  6. About one week after surgery, most children are ready to resume bathing or sponging.
  7. Take care that the child is not itching the incision.
  8. Keep everything like dresses, towels, bed sheets clean.


Infants & Toddlers (Upto 2 Yrs Age)

  1. Most children of this age do not require strict restrictions from usual activities
  2. For the first two weeks, avoid picking up your baby by arms
  3. Take care that the baby does not fall down from a height like falling from bed.
  4. 4. Use infant car seats while traveling in the car.

School Age Children & Adolescents

  1. Avoid heavy physical activities upto 6 weeks to allow healing of breastbone (sternum).
  2. Encourage your child to get dressed each morning, brush teeth, join family for meals and start to catch up on missed school work.
  3. Avoid rough play or activities likely to injure the chest wall like football, hockey, cycling, swimming etc.
  4. Do not lift objects more than 10 kg(schoolbags, weights, younger siblings, pets)
  5. Most children can resume schools after 2 weeks i.e. first outpatient visit with cardiologist. Do not participate in sports or gym for 6 weeks.

Signs & Symptoms to report

  1. Fever more than 100° F  or  persisting for more than 5 days
  2. Shortness of breath,fast breathing, difficult breathing
  3. Blueish lips and nails or very pale
  4. Very fast or very slow heart beats
  5. Rash in body
  6. Vomiting,loose motion, poor appetite, tummy pain
  7. Crying inconsolably
  8. Child does not look OK


  1. The first week at home, your child should stay home and avoid visitors especially sick people
  2. Good hand washing is best way to prevent infection.
  3. Routine immunization deferred for 6 weeks.
  4. Routine dental appointments deferred for 3 months.
  5. Ask your cardiologist regarding need for antibiotics before dental procedures.
  6. Take medication as directed by your doctor. Do not stop or start medications on your own.

Routine Follow Up schedule:

1st FU : 2 weeks after discharge

2nd FU: 1 month later

3rd FU:3 months later

4th FU: 6 months later

Thereafter,  once a year or as advised by your doctor.

Please bring all your previous reports especially discharge summary, last echo report and operation note while coming to the doctor.

Article by Dr. Matri Chaudhuri - Baby Heart Diseases Explained!